
Updated 30-9-2024 12:00 PM
- Bilateral cooperation Call launched
- Programme "Culture" - timeline update
- Programme "Education" - updated
- updated timeline
- Actual information - open calls
- Timeline update
- New call launched
- New call launched (Program Culture)
- New call launched (Cultural Heritage)
- Timeline update (Health Programme)
- New call launched (Environment)
- Timeline updated
- culture programme update
- Human rights changes in timeline
- Timeline updated
- Timeline updated (Program Culture)
- Timeline updated (Program Culture)
- Timeline updated (Program Human rights)
- New call launched (Health Programme)
- Announcement of the 3rd Open Call under the Fund for Bilateral Relations
- Timeline updated (all programmes)
- New OC launched
- Table added
- Update - Health Programme
- Update - SFZP
- Timeline updated
- Timeline updated
- Timeline updated
- Timeline updated
- Timeline updated
- Timeline updated
- Timeline updated
- Timeline updated
- Timeline updated
- Call Closed(BF) and Justice launched
- BF - updated
- HR Programme - update
- HR Programme - new open call and extention of justice OC
- Calls launched (Programme Health)
- Timeline updated
- Environment OC
- Call launched (Programme Health)
- Call launched (HA)
- HR Programme - update
- Call launched (Culture)
- HR Programme - update
- Culture and Environment Programme update
- Call launched (Culture)
- Call extended (Programme Health)
- Timeline updated (Health, Justice, HR)
- Timeline updated (Health, Environment)
- Call launched - Good Governance
- Timeline updated (Culture, Environment)
- Call launched - Culture
- Call closed (culture)
- Call launched (Human rights)
- Call text updated (Human rights)
- Call launched (Human rights)
- Timeline updated (Human rights)
- Updated (Environment)
- Call launched (Human rights)
- Timeline updated (Human rights)
- Timeline updated (Human rights)
- BF - open call
- Environment Programme update
- Environment Programme update
- BC - text updated
- Environment programme - update
- Environment programme - update
- Information update
- Bilateral cooperation Call suspended
- Call closed (Environment)
- Bilateral cooperation Call re-open
- BF call closed
- Information on calls
- Information update
- Information update (call closed - Culture Programme)
- Information update (calls closed - Justice and Health Programme)
- information update (call closed - Human Rights programme)
In the current EEA and Norway Grants period (2014-2021), all calls are closed and no further calls will be launched.
Name of Call / Area of support | Expected date of announcement |
Bilateral Cooperation | |
3rd Open Call 4th Open Call |
Programme „Culture“ | |
Call for bilateral activities to be funded from the EEA Grants 2014-2021 under the Programme CZ - Culture | Call closed 16. 5. 2024! |
Cultural Heritage | |
Innovative Use of Cultural Heritage | |
Contemporary Art | |
Art Criticism | |
Capacity building of umbrella associations, networks and platforms | Call closed 15. 4. 2020! |
Capacity building of umbrella associations, networks and platforms - 2nd Open Call | |
Programme „Human Rights“ | |
Fund for Bilateral Relations at Programme Level financed by the Norway Grants 2014-2021 - Expansion of cooperation between the Czech Republic and Norway in the field of human rights | Call closed 30. 9. 2024 |
Roma Inclusion and Empowerment: HROVA1A – Support for Roma platforms at local and regional level HROVA1B – Capacity building of Roma advisors |
Roma Inclusion and Empowerment: HROVA2 - The creation of motivational leisure time programmes and extracurricular activities for Roma children |
Domestic and Gender-based Violence: HROVA3 - Establishing new specialized services for victims of gender-based violence |
SGS* Human Rights - National Implementation: HRMGSA - Support of research, raising awareness and improving national implementation of human rights standards |
SGS* Domestic and Gender-based Violence: HRMGSB - The capacity building of intervention centres |
SGS* Domestic and Gender-based Violence: HRMGSC - Awareness raising campaigns on domestic and gender-based violence |
SGS* Domestic and Gender-based Violence: HRMGSD - Increasing the capacity of organisations providing interventions for violent offenders |
Programme "Good Governance" | |
SGS* - Involvement of the public in decision making processes | |
Programme „Justice“ | |
Fund for Bilateral Relations at Programme Level financed by the Norway Grants 2014-2021 - Expansion of cooperation between the Czech Republic and Norway in the field of justice | Call closed 10. 9. 2024! |
Services for prisoners improved SGS* - Support of reintegration |
Program „Home Affairs“ | |
SGS* fostering media literacy of the general public |
Call closed 1. 7. 2021! (in Czech only) |
Programme „Research“ | |
Support of aplied research, experimental development and innovation | |
Programme „Education“ | |
Institutional Cooperation Projects | |
Mobility projects | |
VET projects | |
Inclusive Education Project | |
Programme „Health“ | |
Fund for Bilateral Relations at Programme Level financed by the EEA Grants 2014-2021 - Expansion of cooperation between the Czech Republic and Norway in the field of public health | Call closed 16. 9. 2024! |
Prevention of mental disorders in children | |
Prevention of non-communicable and communicable diseases | |
SGS* - Patient empowerment and strengthening the role of patient organizations | |
SGS* - Prevention of mental disorders in children | |
SGS* – Support and care of people with dementia | |
Programme „Environment“ | |
Improved environmental status in ecosystems | |
The adverse effects of human activities on air quality reduced | |
Call launched 4. 11. 2022 | |
The adverse effects of human activities on water quality reduced | |
Enhanced climate change resilience and emissions reduction in selected communities | |
Call closed 4. 1. 2023! | |
SGS* - Improved environmental status in ecosystems | |
SGS* - The adverse effects of human activities on air quality reduced | Call closed 9. 12. 2022! |
SGS* - Enhanced climate change resilience and emissions reduction in selected communities | |
SGS* - Crosscutting through all the Outcomes |
*SGS - Small Grant Scheme