Domestic and Gender-based Violence - Open Call for Proposals

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Updated 23-12-2020
- Annex updated
- The Guideline for Applicants - updated
- The Guideline for Applicants - updated
The Ministry of Finance, Programme Operator of the Human Rights Programme, in cooperation with the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic announces on 25 November 2020 Open Call for proposals (HROVA3 - Establishing new specialized services for victims of gender-based violence) for projects funded by the Norway Grants 2014-2021. The Call is announced on the occasion of the International Day of the Elimination of Violence against Women. The text of the Open Call for Proposals HROVA3 – Establishing new specialized services for victims of gender-based violence was updated 23 December 2020.
The objective of the Open Call is to strengthen the capacity of the system for preventing and combatting domestic and gender-based violence. The Call responds to the long-term shortage of specialized services for victims of domestic and gender-based violence by its aim to promote accessibility of the specialized services (ambulatory, residential, crisis and field assistance) to persons at risk of domestic and gender-based violence.
Specifically, the Call focuses on the establishment of centers for victims of domestic and gender-based violence and innovative measures implemented by providers of the specialized services. The list of eligible activities is specified in more detail in the text of the Call.
Allocation: HROVA 3 – 51 581 481 CZK / 1 946 471 EUR
Deadline for submission of applications: 15. 3. 2021 (12:00 p.m.).
Applications can be submitted only electronically in the information system CEDR.
All important information about the Call, eligibility of applicants, partners and activities and evaluation of applications are included in the text of the Call.
For preparation of applications, the applicants shall use the Guideline for Applicants (updated 23. 12. 2020) with its annexes including a Checklist for pre-check of project intention eligibility and readiness for submission of the application in the information system.
The text of the Call and the Guideline for Applicants together with Annexes are available for download below.
Applications shall be submitted only electronically in the information system CEDR. Entering the IS CEDR is possible via banner CEDR at the homepage or at, where you can also download a Guide for entering and registration in the IS CEDR.
A video-guide that indicates how to fill the application in the IS CEDR (originally developed for Culture Programme) is available here.
Any queries concerning the Call (e.g. submission of the application, conditions of the Call, the method of appraisal and award of grant) can be sent by e-mail to: (questions related both with the conceptual aim of the Call, project ideas and technical questions, e.g. eligibility of expenditures, co-financing, indicators etc.).
Frequently asked questions and answers will be published in the section Frequently Asked Questions at
- Call_HROVA3PDF (146kB)
- Guideline_for_applicants_HROVA3_updatePDF (2108kB)
- Annex 6b - Partnership Commitment Statement_enDOCX (45kB)
- Annex 7b - Template Partnership Agreement._enDOCX (67kB)