Update: Innovative Use of Movable and Immovable Cultural Heritage – Open Call for Proposals of Projects (open until 1.11.2021)

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Updated 20-10-2021 1:00 PM
- Text updated
- Link to seminar information
- Update
- Frequently asked questions added
On 2 August 2021, the Ministry of Finance in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, the Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage and the Icelandic Centre for Research launched an open call for grant applications for projects aimed at innovative use and revitalisation of Czech cultural heritage.
The call is open to all those who wish to implement projects from spring 2022 that respond to local needs and exploit the potential of cultural heritage. We are looking for projects that will make cultural heritage accessible in an unconventional way and have a demonstrable impact on the development of the region and the lives of local people. At the same time, applicants will focus on self-development and try out new financial models, networking and collaboration with key partners to secure income for the long-term operation and use of cultural heritage. Projects may benefit from expert assistance or inspiration from donor countries in the framework of partnership cooperation. Training activities not only in cultural entrepreneurship but also in the field of cultural heritage mediation in an attractive and innovative way are a very welcome part of the projects.
Due to the focus of the call, construction and restoration works are only supported as auxiliary activities serving the adaptation to the new use of cultural heritage, up to a maximum of 15 % of the total eligible project expenditure.
The prerequisite for participation in the call for proposals is the submission of projects (including, where appropriate, an opinion pursuant to the provisions of Act No 20/1987 Coll. on State Cultural Heritage Conservation Act and project documentation) by 1 November 2021 at the latest. The valid building permit must be submitted no later than the legal act on grant award is issued. The projects are expected to start in spring 2022 and be completed by 30 April 2024 at the latest.
UPDATE: On the basis of the amendment to the Act on Budgetary Rules (218/2000 Coll.), which introduces the obligation of applicant (relevant legal entities) to provide an extract from the Register of Beneficial Owners (in relation to Act No. 37/2021 Coll.), the Guideline for Applicants was updated, including the relevant annexes (Annex 4 - Checklist and Annex 7 - Identification of the ownership structure of the applicant).
At the same time, the text of the call for proposals was corrected due to an administrative error.
Allocation: CZK 81 370 680 / EUR 3 070 589
Deadline for submission of applications: 1 November 2021 (12 noon)
Applications can only be submitted electronically in the information system CEDR.
All important information about the open call, eligibility of applicants, partners and activities and evaluation of applications are included in the text of the open call and its annex summarizing state aid rules.
When preparing the grant application, applicants will strictly follow the Guidelines for Applicants and its annexes. This includes the annex Checklist, which allows applicants to verify the eligibility of their intention and the readiness of their application for submission in the information system.
The text of the open call and the Guideline for Applicants are available for download bellow. Frequently asked questions and answers are available for download in Czech.
Seminar for applicants
Interested applicants can attend an online seminar for applicants on 2 September 2021 (a recording of the seminar will be available). Further information about the seminar are available here.
Applications shall be submitted only electronically in information system CEDR.
The CEDR IS can be accessed via banner CEDR at the homepage www.eeagrants.cz or at www.eeagrants.cz/cedr.
Download the Guide for entering and registration in the IS CEDR (only in czech language). There is also a video tutorial on how to complete the grant application directly in the application available here (only in czech language).
Questions regarding the content of the application and queries for project intent consultations can be directed by e-mail at fondyehp@mkcr.cz managed by the Ministry of Culture as the expert partner of the programme.
Technical questions (e.g. eligibility of expenditures, co-financing, indicators, etc.) can be directed by email at czp@mfcr.cz managed by the Ministry of Finance – the programme operator.
- Open call - Innovative use of cultural heritage (CH2) v.2
- Open call - Innovative use of cultural heritage (CH2) v.2 (with changes)
- Annex 1 - Clarification of State Aid Rules Programme Culture 26.4.21_CH2
- Guideline for Applicants - Innovative Use of Cultural Heritage (CH2) v.2
- Guideline for Applicants - Innovative Use of Cultural Heritage (CH2) v.2 (changes)
- Guide for entering and registration in the IS CEDR
- Guideline for Applicants incl. Annexes (CH2)
- Frequently asked questions-only in Czech