CLOSED: The 4th Open Call under the Fund for Bilateral Relations

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Updated 18-5-2024 10:00 AM
- update (Call re-open)
- Call - closed
- New Annex added
The 4th Open Call under the Fund for Bilateral Relations was closed on 31. December 2023.
Ministry of Finance – National Focal Point for EEA and Norway Grants in the CR launched on 28 April 2022 the 4th Open Call for submission of Grant Applications for bilateral initiatives under the Fund for Bilateral Relations. The 4th Open Call under the Fund for Bilateral Relations was closed on 31. December 2023.
The Fund for Bilateral Relations was established to strengthen bilateral relations between the Czech Republic and the Donor States (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and it serves as a flexible source for financing of a wide range of initiatives of mutual interest, both for Czech entities and for entities from the Donor States.
The total amount available for the 4th Open Call is 977 187 EUR (23 892 222 CZK). By the decision of the JCBF, the Call allocation has been successively increased three times, most recently in July 2023 by an additional amount of 277 187 EUR (6 777 235 CZK)
Applications can be submitted continuously from the date of the announcement of the Call until 31 December 2023 or until its total allocation is used. Due to the high interest and insufficient allocation
Applications shall be prepared in English and submitted only electronically via the information system CEDR.
The 4th Open Call is focused on the cooperation of entities from the Czech Republic and Norway. Partnership with an entity from Norway is therefore mandatory. Cooperation between the Czech Republic and Iceland or Liechtenstein will be allowed in case the conditions of mandatory partnership with an entity from Norway is fulfilled.
The complete text of the Call together with the Guidelines for applicants and final beneficiaries, incl. annexes, can be downloaded on this webpage.