Increase in the Level of Comprehensive Long-term Monitoring of Neuromotoric Child Development with Perinatal Burden in Zlín Region

Region | Zlín Region |
Title of the Programme | Public Health Initiatives - Activity II. Healthcare for children |
Title of the Project | Increase in the Level of Comprehensive Long-term Monitoring of Neuromotoric Child Development with Perinatal Burden in Zlín Region |
Number of the Project | --- |
Project Promoter |
T. Bata Region Hospital in Zlín |
Objective of the Project |
The project is submitted by T. Bata Regional Hospital (hereinafter “TBRH”) of Zlín. The project is geared towards further developing of multidisciplinary dispensary care for children with perinatal burden. TBRH Perinatal Centre consists of two divisions – the Division of Obstetrics and the Division of Neonatology. The project will support the Neonatology Division outpatient unit and furthermore outpatient divisions that collaborate with the applicant´s Perinatal Centre (the Paediatric Division, ENT, Ophthalmology, Rehabilitation and Neurosurgery Divisions). Thus the project will support the multidisciplinary dispensary care activities of many TBRH divisions. The project´s main focus is to provide secondary prevention services of the follow-up dispensary care. The secondary focus of the project is to provide education for medical personnel and supplies of necessary medical devices – that all aimed at the prevention of negative consequences of the perinatal burden. The ambulatory care for high-risk newborns in the TBRH is not sufficient from the technological point of view – the equipment of each division is obsolete and outmoded, or the Division does not have the necessary equipment. To provide timely and perfect diagnostics when using the up-to-date instrumentation, the applicant needs to make investments as specified by the project. Medical personnel will be trained on the use of purchased medical equipment. In addition, the medical personnel will be trained in courses of Prechtl´s Method and courses of Respiratory Physiotherapy (Rehabilitation Division) and attend an internship in the Clinical ENT Division. An integral part of the project is to create a secondary prevention programme and its subsequent implementation in practice. For more details see the project activities. This will create conditions for the optimal dispensary care for infants with perinatal burden. Thanks to the implementation of the project, the TBRH will be able to provide patients with the highest quality methods of diagnostic and therapeutic care in the field of the follow-up dispensary care. On the other hand, the medical personnel will be able to work in a top environment with the up-to-date instrumentation. Specifically under this project following medical devices will be purchased: - Neonatology Division, the purchase of an ultrasound device and devices to screen with otoacoustic emissions (OAE). The ultrasound device will be used for sonography visualizing of pathological findings in selected children with a primary diagnosis (examination of the brain, heart, abdominal organs, especially congenital malformations of the urogenital tract). The OAE examination is included in the Czech Republic Screening Programme, it involves the examination of newborn hearing, if necessary the children are further being examined at ENT Division. – Paediatrics Division, the purchase of the ultrasound device (together with the Neonatology Division - see above),an ECG machine, Holter Blood Pressure Monitor and Holter ECG Monitor. The equipment is designated for the Professional Children's Cardiac Outpatient Facility to examine children of the age range from 0 to 18 years with congenital heart defects, heart rhythm disorders, pulmonary hypertension, children after surgical correction of heart defects, etc. – ENT Division, the purchase of the device to screen with otoacoustic emissions and examine brainstem auditory evoked potentials, a clinical and manual tympanometer and a flexible rhino-laryngo videoendoscope. With the purchase of the equipment the ENT Division wants to ensure an early diagnosis of congenital development defects in newborns, especially hearing defects and anomalies of the facial skeleton and mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. - Eye Division, the purchase of a RETCAM retinal camera, a binocular indirect ophthalmoscope and a hand-held slit lamp – they will be used mainly for testing the retinopathy of premature infants (the disorder of the immature retina especially for extremely premature infants may cause blindness) and children at the strabology outpatient unit (the examination of the ocular fundus in all premature infants which are first examined for strabismus). - Neurosurgical Division, the purchase of a 3D imaging technology for more accurate diagnosis of health problems of the central nervous system in children.
Approved grant |
Approximately 226 420 EUR |
Project Duration | Start date: 2nd March 2015, End date: 30th April 2016 |