Announcement of the Open Call for submission of Grant Applications for Initiatives financed from the Fund for Bilateral Relations at Programme Level – measure “B” under the Programme CZ11

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On 17 February 2015, the Ministry of Finance, the Operator of the Fund for Bilateral Relations at Programme Level announces the Open Call for submission of Grant Applications for Initiatives financed from the Fund for Bilateral Relations at Programme Level – measure “B” under the Programme CZ11 funded from the Norway Grants 2009 – 2014.
The objective of the Fund is to enhance the development and strengthening cooperation between Project Promoters and entities in the donor states and/or international organizations during the implementation of approved projects, pre-defined projects and/or subprojects within the framework of a small grant scheme under the programme CZ 11. The cooperation shall be based on the exchange, sharing and transfer of knowledge, technology, know-how, experience and best practices in relation to the subject matter of the approved project.
Applications can be submitted continuously from the date of the announcement of the Call for proposals until 30th April, 2016 or until the total allocation is used.
The overall amount of the Bilateral Fund is 4.955.632 CZK, that means 187.005 EUR.
The minimum and maximum grant amount per initiative: 53.000 – 530.000 CZK, that means 2.000 – 20.000 EUR.
Text of the open call is available at this web page.
Guidelines for Applicants and Final Beneficiaries and standardized annexes are available in the section Fund for Bilateral Relations at Programme Level.