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A Polar ecology course - bio sciences

Department 58 – International Relations
Department 58 – International Relations


Updated 18-9-2017
  • Changes in Title and Summary

RegionNational coverage
Title of the ProgrammeCZ07 - Scholarship Programme
Title of the ProjectA Polar ecology course - bio sciences
Number of the ProjectNF-CZ07-ICP-1-029-2014
Project Promoter

University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice

Name of Norwegian Partner(s)

University Centre in Svalbard

Objective of the Project

The proposed projectwas focused on organizing common field-work in the respective fields of life science in polar ecology: microbial ecology, phycology, botany, plant physiology, zoology, and parasitology. This proposal from the University of South Bohemia (USB) and the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) was focused on life science. A separate proposal connecting life and geographical science was being submitted by Charles University in Prague. Both these parts were common components of polar ecology education and students shared the theoretical part of course. The projectwas intended to start intensive university education collaboration using the field logistics capacities of the USB and the laboratory equipment of UNIS, together with joining the scientific teams from both institutions. The most important benefit was the possibility for Czech and Norwegian students to work together and enhance their chances for further continuous cooperation in their scientific carriers.

Approved grant

1 202 400 CZK

Project DurationStart date: 1st April 2015, End date: 30th September 2015