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Information for EEA and Norway Grants published in 2024.



Update on BAHR1, BAHE2 and BAJU1 Calls for Proposals

Zprostředkovatel programu oznamuje aktualizaci Výzev BALP1, BAZD2 a BASP1 k předkládání žádostí o grant na financování bilaterálních iniciativ z Fondu pro bilaterální vztahy na programové úrovni financovaného z Norských fondů 2014 – 2021.


Scientists from the Czech Republic and Norway are working together on an innovative project to use hydrogen on Czech railways

A research project called RegioHyt has brought together Czech and Norwegian scientists in an ambitious effort to utilize hydrogen as a fuel for Czech railways. This innovative consortium was formed by the Norwegian research institute SINTEF and Czech organizations including ÚJV Řež, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, the Railway Research Institute, the Czech Hydrogen Technology Platform, the Transport Research Centre, and the Czech Railway Administration. Supported by EEA Grants through the Research Programme (KAPPA), the project commenced in 2021 with the primary task of assessing the potential for deploying hydrogen-powered trains on Czech railways.