Hlasnatrouba.cz: abuse of municipal public media and public campaigns in municipal level in CR

Region | Prague |
Title of the Programme | NGO Programme |
Title of the Project | Hlasnatrouba.cz: abuse of municipal public media and public campaigns in municipal level in CR |
Number of the Project | 3630025 |
Project Promoter |
Oživení, o.s. |
Name of Norwegian Partner(s) |
There is no Partner. |
Objective of the Project |
The project aims to the problem of abuse of local public media and public campaigns in order to spend public money in favor of local leading party instead to ensure objective and opinion balanced information about local issues. Such practice violates citizens’ rights to objective information about local issues and rights of political subjects to equal political competition. The project goals are to promote equal political competition in local level, to support opinion balanced and objective information in local public media and to enhance participation of local citizens in local issues. |
Approved grant |
80 578 EUR |
Project Duration | Start date: 1st August 2014, End date: 30th April 2016 |