Support of information exchange and education about the impact of climate change and adaptation measures on national and regional level

Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Support of information exchange and education about the impact of climate change and adaptation measures on national and regional level |
Title of the Project | Support of information exchange and education about the impact of climate change and adaptation measures on national and regional level |
Number of the Project | --- |
Project Promoter |
Masaryk University in Brno |
Name of Local Partner(s) |
Centre for Transport and Energy |
Objective of the Project |
The project responds to a situation where the Czech Republic will approve and then its task will be to implement the National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change in the CR conditions, however the Czech Republic lacks some basic preconditions for successful implementation of such a strategy. The project aims especially to solve two of such preconditions: awareness of the general public and the awareness and preparedness of the public administration to implement meaningful adaptation measures. We believe that at this point the Czech Republic suffers from a lack of professionally certified, understandable and easily accessible information about what climate change is and how it is possible to respond to the situation in the Czech Republic. Due to the specific context of the subject in the Czech Republic the project pays a great attention to adjustment of communication tools and content. The resulting communication campaign will rely not only on the lack of factual information, but it will also take possible barriers among the Czech public in relation to the issue of adaptation to climate change into account, which have not been examined so far and which could endanger the successful implementation of the information campaign. The project therefore includes a campaign consisting of creation of a central web interface, collection and dissemination of examples of a good practice in adaptation measures in the regions, competition for the best adaptation measures of the year, regional round-tables to discuss possibilities for adaptation in the given region between interest groups, creation and distribution of learned videos. The campaign is supplemented by an input research of attitudes of the population in this regard, by the emergence of recommendations for effective communication of the issue, and by media coverage of the project outcomes through communication on social networks, press releases, press conferences for journalists and the final conference of the project. The project further responds to the lack of information for planning and subsequent implementation of adaptation measures in regions of the Czech Republic, which should follow the National Strategy in 2016. To improve the awareness and preparedness of the public administration there will be a suggestion for indicators of environmental vulnerability carried out in the project, which can be used by the regions in their planning, furthermore there will be a survey of the degree of acceptability of different types of adaptation measures for the public in the regions. In this information line, within the project, a methodology for the creation of regional adaptation strategies and also a set of recommendations for the identification, prioritization and investment in adaptation measures at national level will be created. Both the proposal for indicators and the methodologies as well as recommendations will be communicated to public and public administration within the regional round-tables and final conference of the project. Due to the complexity of the issue, the project is jointly implemented by two universities, Masaryk University specializing in environmentally-sociological research, Charles University - Centre for Environmental issues, which specializes in ecological indicators, the company Integra Consulting as an expert in creation of methodologies, and non-governmental organization Green Circle and Centre for Transport and Energetics which have extensive experience in information campaigns.
Approved grant |
Approximately 295 792 EUR |
Project Duration | Start date: 1st November 2014, End date: 30th April 2016 |