Human to nature, nature to human

Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Biodiverzita a ekosystémové služby / Monitorování a integrované plánování a kontrola v životním prostředí/ Adaptace na změnu klimatu |
Title of the Project | Human to nature, nature to human |
Number of the Project | --- |
Project Promoter |
Environmental Education Center Kladno - Čabárna |
Objective of the Project |
The nature in its perfection is the essence of life on our planet. Every disappeared part of it reduces chances of our children to carefree life enjoyed by the mankind today regardless the irreversible changes caused to the natural environment by our behaviour and especially by our chase for economic profit. The nature has provided to the people all they needed since the very beginning of the history of mankind. Man like every being has its place in the ecosystem, being a part of it. However, the needs of the mankind have stepped beyond the frontier of natural balance and caused irreparable changes to biodiversity and stability of the whole ecosystem. Man continues to draw from the nature, but does not take care of its regeneration, ruthlessly plundering its resources and not even trying to mitigate impact of their activities. Regardless the affiliation and beliefs out common conviction and need must be maintenance of the wealth of nature in all its forms including protection and preservation of the climate as an inevitable and non-renewable life condition. Environmental education is also the mission of our organisation. The purpose of the project is to offer our clients several ways towards protection and development of biodiversity in the form of new educational programmes. We perceive environment protection as a basic human need which must be natural to every man like other everyday activities we learn to do since our early childhood. Our aim is to mediate information to the general public, purposefully and at the same time in an attractive form, especially in the areas where we feel further education is needed and where we see a future potential. We know that only systematic activity can bring relevant results both for individual people and for the future of our planet. All project activities are prepared with the aim to provide information and teach procedures and methods leading to maintenance of biodiversity, environmentally acceptable consumption, economic utilisation of natural resource and protection of climate on the Earth. The key activities are prepared with a focus on preschool children, elementary school pupils and secondary school students, afterschool activities of children and youth, perm culture philosophy and sustainable agriculture with positive impact on the nature, genetic resources, landscape building and maintenance and improvement of urban and municipal environment for the adults. The project will involve preparation and implementation of residential educational programmes for children focused on protection of the wealth of nature, learning about relations between organisms and their relevance for the environment not only in the close surroundings but also in the global perspective. We would like to organize leisure time activities for the youth with a focus on active nature and biodiversity protection, appealing on and inspiring their leaders to professional approach to this issue. For adults we would like to organise professional courses with the aim to arise interest in self-fulfilment in traditional crafts using renewable resources, environment-friendly, directly dependent on biodiversity and motivating by satisfaction of personal needs by production of fruit and vegetables, honey, eggs, meat and milk. We do not confine ourselves to information about the available options but we would also like to teach our clients think and create on the basis of knowledge of the needs of the individual species, availability and suitability of materials and roles of particular activities in spatial and temporal relations. The unifying outcome of the activities will be establishment of an educational path, including an information system, with demonstrative elements supporting biodiversity, complementing the teaching aids for learning about diversity of animal and plant species, their needs and relations to the environment. And last but not least our educational events should remind of international anniversaries relevant for the environment by prepared thematic activities for the public, not only for the purpose of rest and entertainment but also for education and reminder of the necessity of care of the environment of our planet, the only place for life of our children.
Approved grant |
Approximately 276 803 EUR |
Project Duration | Start date: 1st January 2015, End date: 30th April 2016 |