Czechadapt – System for Exchange of Information on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation Measures on the Territory of the Czech Republic

Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services & Environmental Monitoring and Integrated Planning Control & Adaptation to Climate Change |
Title of the Project | Czechadapt – System for Exchange of Information on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation Measures on the Territory of the Czech Republic |
Project Website | |
Number of the Project | --- |
Project Promoter |
Global Change Research Centre |
Objective of the Project |
Solving of problems currently resulting from the impacts of the changing global and regional climate requires two basic types of response. The first one involves measures focused on gradual reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions and the other one involves preparation and prompt implementation of appropriate adaptation measures. The momentary blockage of the international political negotiations concerning emission reduction is one of other reasons why it is necessary to promptly develop the second response even in the conditions of the Czech Republic. Whereas the emission reduction can be significantly controlled by normative measures in combination with motivation of the individual entities, such approach is problematic in case of adaptations. This is given by dissimilar starting points, economic opportunities and mainly by the degree of endangerment by the climate change of each entity implementing the adaptation measure. The need of high degree of individualization in adaptation approaches makes their central coordination much more complex than in case of emission reduction. This raises the need to formulate strategic procedures for adopting timely and effective measures for more efficient and faster EU adaptation strategies of the last year. The main strategic document of the Czech Republic in the climate change area is the National Programme to Abate the Climate Change Impacts in the Czech Republic, published in 2004, that is currently being updated. Despite the previous efforts of the research departments and public administration, the Czech Republic lacks current and reliable source of high-quality information about expected impacts, risks, vulnerability and possible adaptation measures that would be generally available, providing any user with the best possible information about the region/sector of his/her interest. The submitted project is mainly based on the assumption that whereas the adaptation policy cannot be centralized in a number of sectors (as it is the primary interest and responsibility of the individual entities), the process of providing relevant information can be (or even should be) centralized to the biggest possible extent. The objective of our broad interdisciplinary project is to create an information system that will centralize available scientific knowledge and adaptation instructions, gathered in a user-friendly and mainly practically seizable way, and to verify it in an experimental operation. These information sources will also meet the demanding requirements for their scientific level and will be based only on methods, experiments, procedures and models which have passed public and erudite opponency (for instance, in renowned international scientific journals). The basic objectives can be summarized in the following points: 1. create an open and continuously updated on-line database, summarizing information about the climate change impacts, risks, vulnerability and adaptation measures for the entire Czech Republic based on the best methods available by highly erudite teams, 2. create related information system providing integrated monitoring and timely notifications of situations associated with impacts of adverse climatic conditions in the subject season, 3. design the system as the most user-friendly with emphasis on high resolution so that the relevant information is provided from the entire territory of the Czech Republic to the level of the individual stations, 4. organize and manage the targeted information campaign focused on presentation of outcomes of analyses of vulnerability, risks, impacts and adaptation measures in form of a series of workshops and closing conference focused on highly vulnerable regions and sectors. In a single product, the users will receive information for all levels of the regional division (from locations with a size of a plot of land or cadastral area, through districts, regions to the entire Czech Republic). The basic coverage of a big part of layers will include the entire Czech Republic with some output types available with respect to demand factor only for the target region (Districts of Znojmo and Třebíč) and/or selected representative locations, such as in the network of small river basins GEOMON. Transferability of the key project outputs to Norwegian conditions will be tested in cooperation with the Norwegian partner as the next step in the information system development.
Approved grant |
Approximately 831 301 EUR |
Project Duration | Start date: 1st January 2015, End date: 30th April 2016 |