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Pre-defined project of the Ministry of Environment within Programme CZ02

Department 58 – International Relations
Department 58 – International Relations


On 5th August 2014, the Ministry of Finance – Programme Operator of Programme CZ02 approved funding in amount of 838,400 EUR to implement a pre-defined project „Protection and Sustainable Use of Wetlands in CZ“. The Ministry of Environment is the beneficiary of grant.

The overall objective of the project is to collect an up-to-date information on wetland resources in the Czech Republic, evaluate the wetlands status, its trend (wetland loss and/or degradation, restoration, effects of climate change, agriculture and extraction) and to adopt measures in order to implement efficient wetlands management and their conservation and wise use. An important component of the project is to share the information gained amongst all sectors of the society that have an impact on wetlands well-being, and also to raise the public awareness on wetland values and functions (amongst school children and teachers as well as public at large). Very important part of the project is development of international cooperation and as well as implementation of several international conventions on biodiversity.


  • Up-to-date information on wetlands and wetland resources in the Czech Republic,
  • Evaluation of wetland biodiversity
  • Wetland status and trends evaluated
  • Interactions of wetlands and agriculture and wetlands and extraction and wetlands and climate change recognised and assessed
  • Monitoring of ecological state of Ramsar sites establishment
  • Recommendations for conservation, sustainable management and wise use of wetlands and their biodiversity prepared (with a focus on selected wetland types and wetlands of international importance).