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TIME - Technologies in Modern Education

Department 58 – International Relations
Department 58 – International Relations


RegionNational coverage
Title of the ProgrammeCZ07 - Scholarship Programme
Title of the ProjectTIME - Technologies in Modern Education
Number of the ProjectEHP-CZ07-ICP-2-133-2015
Project Promoter

Gymnázium Teplice

Name of Norwegian Partner(s)

Menntaskólinn í Kópavogi

Objective of the Project

TIME = Technologies in Modern Education is a Institutional cooperation project, in which teachers and students from Gymnazium Teplice in the Czech Republic and Menntaskólinn í Kópavogi in Iceland will use different ICT tools in solving applied science problems together and comparing their findings. ICT tools and an e-learning platform will be used to collaborate. The target of the project will be to create five learning modules in natural science subjects as a part of optional seminars for students of the age of about 18 years. It will help and challenge students to improve their science knowledge whilst also preparing them for further studies in the third level education. The exchange of views among the participants also gives rise to the possibility of all participants getting to know other school systems and cultures. The participants will have gained insight into different science issues, cultures and have developed teamwork skills and fostered a sense of responsibility to others.

Approved grant

494 955 CZK

Project DurationStart date: 1st July 2015, End date: 30th June 2016