Fund for Bilateral Relations at Programme Level

Updated 17-3-2017
- text updated
- calls and guidelines updated
- calls and guidelines updated
- calls update - CZ11, CZ15
- Guidelines and calls (CZ04,CZ05,CZ06) update
- CZ13 call update
- call update - CZ02
- CZ14 call update
- CZ02 revision No.4
The Fund for Bilateral Relations at Programme Level was established
A) to find partners for projects implemented in partnership with institutions from donor states for the period over which draft projects are prepared and these partnerships are developed during the preparatory period – “A” measure;
B) to establish and foster cooperation, and to exchange, pool and transfer knowledge, technology, experience and best practices between grant beneficiaries (project researchers) and entities in donor states during project implementation – “B” measure.
Allocation under the Regulation: at least 1.5% of all eligible programme expenditure, indicative distribution between “A” and “B”
100% eligible expenditure – national co-financing not required
Measure „A“ is used to find partners within the scope of projects in partnership with donors prior to (or during) project drafting or the development of such partnerships and preparations for the drafting of projects in partnership with donors.
Each programme draft describes the form of BFA implementation – essentially there may be two (or there may be combinations of those indicated below):
a) Activities carried out directly by an intermediary body of the Fund (a Programme Partner):
• contact seminars, conferences, workshops, working meetings, bilateral meetings, group presentations
b) Open call for grant applications:
study and work trips, bilateral working meetings with exchanges of information, with the organisation of close cooperation or specific joint activities
participation, alone or collectively, in international events in order to establish and build on contacts
data collection, the production of studies and overviews to deepen the level of knowledge on the bilateral dimensional of cooperation between entities in the Czech Republic and in donor states
participation in contact seminars, conferences and workshops in order to establish and build on contacts, or the organisation of such events
the preparation of an application and the related documentation in cooperation with a donor-country entity
All information for grant applicants under the aforementioned Open Call for Grant Applications is included in the Grant Applicant and Beneficiary Guidelines, which set out the conditions and procedures for the award of grants from the Fund in an open call. The Guidelines will be drawn up by the Programme Partner (if the Programme also includes an Open Call for Grant Applications).
Measure “B” is used for establishing and deepening of cooperation and for networking, exchange, sharing and transfer of knowledge, technology, experience and best practices among Czech entities and entities in the donor states and international organizations.
Contributions from the Fund will be provided only for initiatives aimed at strengthening of bilateral relations; these initiatives must be implemented in cooperation with bilateral partner, ie. the donor state entity. Such initiatives must be beneficial to the programme and its programme areas. The Fund will finance short-term complementary initiatives; it is not intended to finance the planned project initiatives (ie. initiatives that are part of approved open-call / pre-defined / small-grant-scheme project budgets).
Applicants eligible to draw on the Fund are all final beneficiaries of approved projects within the programmes and Czech entities (natural and legal persons, public institutions, municipalities, associations of municipalities, non-profit organizations and others) actively involved in relevant programmes for at least 1 year.
The specific allocation for the Bilateral Fund at Programme level, measure „B“, is specified in the bilateral open call of the relevant programme.
The procedure for submission and evaluation of applications and other information about eligible initiatives and the eligibility of expenditure are set out in the Guidelines for applicants and beneficiaries.
- Guidelines for Bilateral Fund at prg level - measure B - revision No.3PDF (126kB)
- Guidelines for Bilateral Fund at prg level - measure B - revision No.3 - highlighted changesPDF (128kB)
Open calls
- CZ02 - Open call BFB - revision No.4 - highlighted changesPDF (45kB)
- CZ04 - Open call BFB - revision No.3 - highlighted changesPDF (42kB)
- CZ05 - Open call BFB - revision No.3 - highlighted changesPDF (40kB)
- CZ06 - Open call BFB - revision No.3 - highlighted changesPDF (44kB)
- CZ08 - Open call BFB - revision No.3 - highlighted changesPDF (42kB)
- CZ11 - Open call BFB - revision No.3 - highlighted changesPDF (45kB)
- CZ13 - Open call BFB - revision No.3 - highlighted changesPDF (182kB)
- CZ14 - Open call BFB - revision No.3 - highlighted changesPDF (177kB)
- CZ15 - Open call BFB - revision No.3 - highlighted changesPDF (42kB)