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When they does not want it

Department 58 – International Relations
Department 58 – International Relations


Region National coverage
Title of the ProgrammeHuman Rights
Title of the ProjectWhen they does not want it
Number of the ProjectLP-HRMGSC-008
Project Promoter

    Konsent, z. s.


Estimated Project duration: 10/2022 - 4/2024

Target groups:

  • Students
  • Women
  • General Public


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Total Eligible Costs

196 667 EUR


196 667 EUR (100 %)

Project description

In cooperation with other partners, an information campaign aimed at raising awareness of sexual violence will be held as part of the project. In his practice, the project promoter builds on the experience of previous years, when the Konsent organization became a key driver of public discussion on this topic. In cooperation with related institutions, the project will focus on informing rape victims about help and support options available.

The project is implemented following the long-term mission of the project promoter, which is the elimination of the sexual violence and rape. Through involvement in international and national initiatives, the Konsent organisation will seek to redefine the current legislative regulation of the crime of rape and emphasize education in the area of gender-based violence in the Plan for the Promotion of Gender Equality 2025 – 2028 (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports). At the beginning of the project, a series of workshops on the prevention of sexual violence will be held in primary and secondary schools (a minimum of 150 workshops for approx. 3000 people). Based on the obtained data, an analysis of the impact of these activities will be created in cooperation with an external expert team. The analysis will serve as a basis for professional material - methodology in the field of sexual education. 


There are many common myths and stereotypes on the topic of sexual violence and violence against women. Research shows that in part of Czech society (58 %), the prevailing opinion is that the victim is partially responsible for the rape through their behavior, clothing or alcohol consumption. 
These beliefs make it hard for victims to come forward and seek support. The victim-blaming narrative, widely used in public media and social media debates, is often adopted by young people who have low awareness and knowledge about sexual violence. One of the reasons is a lack of a holistic approach to sex education in primary and secondary schools.
The ´When they does not want it´ project strives to create an environment in which the students have space to think critically about the topic of sexual violence and mutual respect in all sexual activities. The project will be implemented throughout the Czech Republic.