Restoration of meadow habitats in the Liberec region with a focus on supporting the biodiverstiy of selected plant species from the red lists of the Czech Republic - 2021 - 2023

Region | Liberec Region |
Title of the Programme | Environment |
Title of the Project | Restoration of meadow habitats in the Liberec region with a focus on supporting the biodiverstiy of selected plant species from the red lists of the Czech Republic - 2021 - 2023 |
Number of the Project | 3201200012 |
Project Promoter | Čmelák - Společnost přátel přírody z.s. |
Status | In implementation process since 04/2021 |
Total Eligible Costs | 222 222 EUR |
Grant | 200 000 EUR (90 %) |
Project description:
The aim of the project is to improve the condition of 12 selected sites on an area of 10,9 ha through their restoration and the follow-up care.
The project wants to prepare the restoration of other meadows with the occurrence of protected species, through negotiations with the owners, or finding new sites and implementing the necessary measures. To continue the project, it is necessary to secure additional funding, negotiate with local cities to ensure maintenance, involve volunteers and raise public awareness.