Decentralized micropollutants removal of infectious hospital waste water

Region | Prague |
Title of the Programme | Environment |
Title of the Project | Decentralized micropollutants removal of infectious hospital waste water |
Number of the Project | 3213200011 |
Project Promoter | Pražské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. |
Czech Partner | Fakultní Thomayerova nemocnice |
Status | In realization process since 03/2022 |
Total Eligible Costs | 987 167,31 EUR |
Grant | 639 798,37 EUR |
Project description:
The aim of the project is to reduce the concentration of micropollutants by at least 90 % between the inflow and outflow of the hospital WWTP by upgrading its technological line. Decentralized treatment will ensure the removal of micropollutants at the source to prevent discharge of micropollutants into municipal sewage network. After proposed upgrade to the existing WWTP, treated effluent will be of sufficient quality to be discharged directly into the recipient water body, thus firstly protecting the sewage network from increasing amount of ballast water and secondly contributing to better environmental quality as required by Government Regulation No. 401/2015 Col., as amended.
During wet weather flow, wastewater and stormwater exceeding the capacity of the WWTP will be disinfected, which will ensure the safety of sewer network personnel, and discharged into sewage network. Secondary objectives of this project are to test the effect of sodium hypochlorite dosing on wastewater recovery, improve the efficiency of activated sludge separation by installing membrane technology and develop a risk analysis of the WWTP operation