#OurStories: the Ostrava project REPLACE - Green in place of concrete transforms concrete areas into attractive green locations

Concrete surfaces in cities are not only an aesthetic problem, but also have a negative impact on the environment and the quality of life of the inhabitants. The REPLACE - Green in place of concrete in Ostrava project seeks to address this issue by transforming unused concrete areas into green zones that have the ability to regulate the ambient temperature, improve air quality and create a more pleasant living environment for citizens and visitors to the city.
The project REPLACE - Green in place of concrete in Ostrava seeks to address this issue by transforming unused concrete areas into green zones that have the ability to regulate the ambient temperature, improve air quality and create a more pleasant living environment for citizens and visitors to the city. The project builds on the Healthy City priority enshrined in the Ostrava Strategic Plan. In this way, the city is actively committed to improving the quality of life of its residents and adapting to climate change.
Ing. Hana Tichánková, Deputy Mayor of Ostrava
"I think everyone who lives here knows that Ostrava is no longer the same as it is often presented in the media. It is a city that is alive, growing and that offers its inhabitants a pleasant place to live," says Deputy Mayor Hana Tichánková in opposition to the stereotypical notion that Ostrava is an industrial and concrete city. "Come and see for yourself", she invites visitors.
The initiator and main implementer of the REPLACE - Green in place of concrete project is the Statutory City of Ostrava. It has not only contributed to obtaining financial support through the "Bergen" call of the Environment Programme, but has also been involved in the planning, coordination and implementation of the project.
Transformation of concrete surfaces in the Ostrava-South district
Ostrava-South with its 100,000 inhabitants is one of the most important and most populous districts of Ostrava. This district is also the most built-up and has an insufficient amount of green areas and a high proportion of impermeable surfaces, which prevent proper water drainage during rainfall.
That is why the Ostrava-South City Hall has actively engaged in the REPLACE project and the first results are already visible. Unsightly and unused concrete areas have been removed and green spaces have been increased. This results in greater water retention, a reduction in ambient temperature, dust reduction and the promotion of biodiversity.
"Thanks to the project, almost 22,000 m² of paved surface is being replaced in Ostrava-South. Not only concrete surfaces are gradually being removed, but also outdated structures previously used for carpet knocking, clothes dryers, benches, sandboxes or walls. New planting is being established in place of the removed concrete areas. The project will create 1,686 m² of perennial beds, 524 shrubs and 4,329 m² of flowering meadows," says Deputy Mayor Otakar Šimík.
Ing. Otakar Šimík,Deputy Mayor Mgr. Radim Ivan, Deputy Mayor
"It's the greening of our entire district. The care will be standard, as we take care of all our green areas. Of course, where we have managed to build beds, there will be extra care because people are very appreciative of the fact that concrete has been replaced by flowers. We count on keeping it nice," adds Deputy Mayor Radim Ivan.
It is the sustainability of the project that is ensured by the key partner of the project - Technical Services Ostrava-South. It brings to the project expertise and experience in the maintenance of greenery and public spaces and ensures the subsequent care of the new green areas.
Transformation of one of the sites - before and after (source: Ostrava-South City Hall)
Primary school children also put their hands to work
The young generation has a key role to play in shaping the future. That's why children are also involved in the REPLACE project. Pupils of the Jugoslávská Primary School in Ostrava-Zábřeh had the opportunity to learn about the importance of greenery in the city and how a flower meadow is created. They practically participated in the planting of different types of plants and thus contributed to a better environment in the place where they live.
Children from Jugoslávská Primary School, Ostava
Dubina Terminal: the transport hub is changing its face
The Dubina Terminal is an important transport hub used by nearly 16,000 people every day. It is located close to the shopping centre and serves as a key transfer point. Thanks to support from the Norway Grants, it has undergone a significant transformation. The original neglected greenery has been replaced with new plantings including bulbs, perennials, ornamental grasses, flowering meadows and shrubs. At the same time, unsightly corridors around bus stops have been replaced with aesthetic concrete treadways. An important transportation hub has thus been transformed into a more welcoming and functional place that serves residents and visitors alike.
Terminal Dubina before
Terminal Dubina today
"I think it was a step forward, it looks much better here. Even the fact that there are plants here makes it more ecological and it's such a treat for the soul every time I come here", says the young Ostrava resident.
The lady waiting for the bus adds: "So there was nothing here, but this is nice, how they planted it and it's colourful, it's gradually blooming. The tulips were beautiful, we liked it very much".
Something is still blooming at the Dubina terminal
Ostrava on the road to sustainability
Ostrava is an example of how even a former industrial city can successfully face the challenges of climate change. The project REPLACE - Green in place of concrete brings a new perspective on the urban landscape and shows that transformation into a greener and more sustainable public space is possible. The green revolution in Ostrava is not only a step towards improving the quality of life of its inhabitants, but also an inspiration for other cities.
Web of the project (in Czech only): https://fajnova.cz/projekt/replace-zelen-misto-betonu/
Programme Enviroment web: https://www.sfzp.cz/en/norway-grants/
Název projektu: | REPLACE - Green in place of concrete |
Projec promoter: | Ostrava City |
Partner of the project: | Ostrava City |
Programme: | Environment |
Grant: | € 961,380.40 |
Goal of the project: | The aim of the project is to contribute to the mitigation of the impact of climate change and to the recovery of the environment in connection with the Healthy City priority, which is anchored in the Ostrava Strategic Plan. The project will create a more nature-friendly, people-friendly, functional and safe public space in the housing estates and the main transport terminal in Ostrava-South. |