Centre for Family and Social Care

Key Message | Inclusion ADHD children in school |
Organization Name | Centre for Family and Social Care |
Area of Activities |
Centre for Family and Social Care (for short CRSP Brno) is the non profit organization in the Czech republic and it was established in 1992 by the Brno Bishopric. CRSP is an educational and advisory centre for engaged couples, women on maternity and parental leave, families with children, parents, seniors, general public and experts. The mission of the Institution (CRSP) includes strengthening family relationships by mutual support; educational, social and free-time programmes and activities, development of activities beneficial to families from several regions, support of family values in the society. CRSP has followed up childhood ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder) problematics since 1999. The specialization of the institution are activities for children with ADHD, services for their parents and cooperation with schools. The activities with children are based on group and individual work. The group activities are focused on social and emotional development skills and positive motivation principles, psychomotor skills support and cognitive functions strenghtening by using FIE (Feuerstein´s cognitive enrichment method). During the individual work with children is used Snoezelen approach and tutoring. Our lectors provide training courses, workshops and counselling for parents. In schools we realize group lectures for class teams and counselling for teachers and school staff. |
Contact | marcela.ondrujova@crsp.cz |
Area of Cooperation | Zdraví, Sociální dialog, Vzdělání |
Project Idea |
The key subject of our interest is an inclusion of children with ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder) in school environment. It is not only about pedagogical methods, but mainly about psychosocial dimension of inclusion. It is about ways of acting with ADHD children in school, so how they can be integrated in school collectives and create healthy relationships with their schoolmates and teachers. Methods have to be suitable for teachers in their work with classes, where at least one child with ADHD is. Maybe also individual care of child or coopration with parents can be included with regard to multilevel support. We are interested in any good practice in the area of inclusion of ADHD children in schools. We would like to start cooperation with an organization which has an experience with inclusion of children with ADHD in school environment. It may be a school or some kind of institution associating schools, NNO or any other kind of organization acting in this area. Our project idea is an exchage of experience in the field of inclusion of ADHD pupils. We would like to see how this inclusion works in Norwegian school practice work and help to bring the experiences with implementation of the knowledge to schools in the Czech republic. We can also offer a visit in our organization and show methods which are used in our work with ADHD children, their parents and also at schools. |
Country of Origin | Česká republika |
Looking for a Partner from | Norway |
Extra |
Our web sites: www.crsp.cz |