Project within the CZ14 Programme 

Project PDP 1: 
Schengen Cooperation 
and Combatting 
Cross-border Crime

Project PDP 4: Application 
of a geographical 
information system for 
the Police of the Czech 
Republic in the field

Project PDP 2: 
Establishing the National 
Control Authority (NCA)

Project PDP 5:
Developing an analytic 
platform for the use of 
the information systems 
of the Police of the 
Czech Republic to their 
full capacity

Project PDP 3:
The expansion of 
a system of automated 
controls of electronic 
travel documents 
at international airports 
(e-gate and full page 
documents scanners)

Project PDP 6: 
Implementation of the 
police specialists in the 
field of police work in 
relation to Roma minority 
group in the socially 
segregated locations