The Fund for Bilateral Cooperation was designed to develop bilateral
relations with the EEA countries. By the end of 2016, another 15 projects
of the accompanying activities of bilateral cooperation had been supported
with a total amount of nearly EUR 170,000.
Bilateral cooperation
“We as a Donor Programme Partner for CZ-11 have enjoyed our cooperation
with the Programme Operator – the Ministry of Finance and Programme
Partner – the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. The main areas of
the programme, namely, “Psychiatric Care” and “Health Care for Children”
reflect the main priorities of the Czech health authorities and are in line
with the priorities we have in Norway. All three pre-defined projects have
been successful and cooperation is appreciated by Norwegian partners.
Over the years we have observed an increased interest in mental health
promotion and disease prevention contributing to achievement of the main
programme goals – improvement of public health and reduction in health
inequalities. During several study visits we witnessed genuine enthusiasm
and substantial effort made by the Czech professionals.
We hope that the good work initiated during the current grants period will
be continued and cooperation between our countries will grow stronger over
the years”.
Solfrid Johansen & Andrej Grjibovski
Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Oslo, Norway
Until 31 July 2017, the call for the submission of projects for the support of additional activities
(projects of bilateral cooperation beyond the approved projects) is still relevant.