The enhancement of cooperation was also supported through short-term placements 
of CTU researchers to SINTEF ER in Trondheim where they worked jointly on solving 
a specific partial task in cooperation with SINTEF mentor/consultant, including the 
possibility to use the technological background of both Norway institutions.

Czech Geological Survey together with IRIS presented their project and its results 
at the 



 Annual Conference of EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists & 

Engineers) which took place in Vienna in June 2016, as well as at CO


GeoNet Open 

Forum (May 2016) in Venice where they, in addition, organized an associated  
half-day workshop which focused on presenting and discussing the REPP-CO2 results 
and on reinforcing cooperation with other ongoing and upcoming pilot projects on 


 storage in Europe. The Czech Technical University in cooperation with SINTEF ER 

prepared also a draft project (grant application) for the potential future cooperation 
under the newly established EU Innovation Fund, which follows up on the NER300 
programme or under other support schemes in the EU (e.g. Horizon 2020). 

Two of three bilateral meeting were supported and attended by the Programe 
Operator (Ministry of Finance) and the Programme Partner (Ministry of the 
Environment of the Czech Republic). The active cooperation of the Norway  
Research Council must be also highlighted.

Information about the projects was also published in international technical journals, 
such as Energy Procedia, Environmental Earth Sciences, Przeglad geologiczy, etc.

REPP-CO2 project results 

explained at the GHGT-13 

conference in Lausanne.

Photo credit: Vít Hladík

Presentation of project outputs 

Study of CCS pilot technologies 

for coal fired power plants in the 

Czech Republic at the GHGT-13 

conference – S. Roussanaly and 

R. Anantharaman (SINTEF ER).

Photo credit: Václav Novotný