“The HITECARLO project allowed us to start research in a new area – high
temperature CO
sorption from gases. This issue follows up on the research of
low temperature CO
sorption from gases,which has been successfully dealt with
by the main promoter’s facility for many years. The results of the HITECARLO
project helped us to receive additional EU funds in order to continue in
the research under the Coalbypro project. Students showed a great interest in
participation in the relevant research activities.”
Mr. Karel Ciahotný, Project Promoter, University of Chemistry
and Technology Prague
“The project was beneficial based on its focus on the perspective method of
capture – the carbonate loop or, more specifically, the high temperature
sorption – with which we have only had marginal experience so far. As part of
the project, the promoter team of ÚJV Řež, a. s. developed a mathematical model
of the carbonator to optimize its operation and prepared an engineering design
of the carbonate loop testing installation. Negotiations with other entities were
already initiated in order to implement the designed installation and commence
experimental research in this area.”
Jiří Štefanica, ÚJV Řež, a. s.
“The project significantly expanded the scope of CCS research which the Czech
Technical University – Energy Institute deals with in a long term. The Czech
Technical University (CTU) participated in this project by developing a numeric
model and the subsequent conceptual design of a pilot carbonate loop unit
for the future implementation of this unit in the CTU laboratories. The unit is
now prepared for implementation in terms of concept and rating. The results
and knowledge developed during the project were already used and will later
be used in the preparation of other research projects aimed at further
developing CCS research and in preparing the employment of this technology
in the Czech practice.”
Jan Hrdlička, Czech Technical University in Prague