Description of the grant recipient:

Czech Geological Survey is a state-owned allowance organization acting under supervision of the Ministry 

of the Environment. It is a leading Czech research institution in geological sciences. One of its main thematic 

research priorities is research of geo-energy, including geological storage of CO


. In this field, Czech Geological 

Survey has been a long-term national leader with a number of successfully implemented national and 

international projects and studies.

Description of partners:

International Research Institute of Stavanger (IRIS) is an independent research institute focusing on applied 

research in natural, technical and social sciences. The target areas include improved oil recovery, digital 

drilling and environmental monitoring. With a basis in experience, competence and laboratories developed 

for petroleum reservoir characterization and improved oil recovery, IRIS is actively involved in research on 



 utilisation and storage.  

VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Institute of of Clean Technologies for Mining and Utilization of Raw 

Materials for Energy Use deals with, on a comprehensive basis, the utilization of the Earth’s crust to secure 

the energy demands related to sustainable development of the society. It also focuses on issues related to 

mining and utilization of energy resources.

ÚJV Řež, a.s., is a joint-stock company providing a wide range of services, particularly applied research, 

engineering and design activities in nuclear, conventional and sustainable energy. Since 2006, it has also  

been dealing with the issue of CO


 capture and storage.

Miligal, s.r.o. is a private company focusing on regional geophysical research and exploration activities in  

the territory of the Czech Republic. The results of its work contribute to better utilization of mineral resources, 

to building of alternative renewable energy sources, and are applied in hydrogeology, environmental 

monitoring and within exploration of suitable structure for waste repositories. Miligal cooperates with  

the Czech Geological Survey, universities and the Czech Academy of Sciences.

Institute of Physics of the Earth is a branch of the Masaryk University which specializes in the monitoring  

and research of seismic activity at local, Central European and global levels. The results of its research 

represent, among other, important parameters to assess the seismic risks in the Czech Republic.

Research Centre Řež deals with research, development and innovation in the energy sector, especially  

in nuclear energy. The company has been involved in many research and development programmes,  

including research of the new generation of nuclear reactors, strengthening the material and technical  

basis of nuclear energy research in the Czech Republic.