Description of the grant recipient:
Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – is a state-owned university
carrying out educational, study, scientific, research, development and other creative activities for
which it provides the necessary background. As a participant to the project on part of the University,
the Energy Institute focuses on technical and technological solutions for power generation plants and
on the environmental friendliness and economy of their operation.
Description of partners:
ÚJV Řež, a. s. – numbers among the cutting-edge research facilities in energy and industry. Other services
provided focus, in particular, on design and engineering activities, supporting safe and efficient operation of
nuclear and conventional power plants, fuel cycle chemistry and comprehensive services for radioactive and
other specific waste management.
SINTEF – is the largest independent research organization in Scandinavia. It is composed of an extensive
structure of multidisciplinary research institutes with international expertise in technologies, medicine and
social sciences.
Field trip of participants of
an initial project conference
to Vřesová power plant –
April 2015. Photo credit:
Ladislav Veselý